Revision - list of Authorized Persons
Download a list of qualified personnel to carry out technical inspections and operation of stationary solid fuel sources.
Inspection of technical condition and operation of combustion stationary source for solid fuels according to § 17 par. 1 letter h) of the Act on Air Protection No. 201/2012 Coll., as amended by Act No. 172/2018 Coll.
This duty is given by the law to each operator of a stationary source 1 for solid fuels with a total rated thermal input from 10 to 300 kW incl., which serves as a heat source for the central heating hot water system. He / she is obliged to perform a control of technical condition of the source regularly at least every three years through a natural person who has been trained by the manufacturer of the combustion stationary source and who has been authorized to install, operate and maintain it (hereinafter referred to as “qualified person - QP”) and to submit the certificate of execution of this control issued by the QP to the municipal office. This document confirms that the combustion stationary source is installed, operated and maintained in accordance with the manufacturer's instructions and this Act. The quality of the combustion process is fundamentally influenced by the technical condition of the source, the condition of the flue gas paths, the quality of the fuel and the way the source is operated. All of the above can significantly affect the amount of pollutants discharged into the air, which have a negative impact on health, especially in the immediate vicinity of their source.
According to the Air Protection Act, the source operator is a legal or natural person who actually operates the source; if no such person is known or does not exist, the operator shall be deemed to be the owner of the stationary combustion source. The obligation has been included in the Air Protection Act since 2012, but with regard to the transitional provision of Section 41 (15), the operator of a combustion stationary source was obliged to ensure the first inspection of the technical condition and operation of the source by 31 December 2016 at the latest.
The provisions of the Act on Air Protection include two obligations of the operator of a combustion stationary source with these characteristics. First of all, it is the duty of the QP to check the technical condition and operation of the stationary combustion source at least once every three years. The second obligation arising from this provision is the operator's obligation to submit on request a document on the performance of this inspection to the municipal authority.
If the operator fails to check the technical condition and operation of this combustion stationary source on a regular basis every three years or does not submit a confirmation of such inspection to the municipal authority upon request, he / she exposes him / herself to the risk of fines up to 20 000 CZK in the case of a natural person not doing business or up to CZK 50,000 in the case of a natural person doing business or a legal person.
1 The obligation is related not only to boilers, but also to other combustion stationary sources, such as stoves, fireplace inserts and fireplaces, if they have a hot-water exchanger connected to a central heating hot water system and their rated thermal input is 10 kW and higher.